New Hampshire Aquatic Resource Mitigation Fund
$3.8M to be awarded statewide for:
Preservation of high-quality wetlands and streams and their buffers
Acquisition of land, conservation easements, transaction fees, and costs for protection in perpetuity
Wetland and stream restoration
Design, construction costs, plantings, and monitoring
Tidal improvements
Living shoreline and coastal stability
Restoration of aquatic connections
Dam removals
Perched culverts that are barriers & flood roads
Instream habitat modifications
Pre-proposals due Friday, May 29, 2020; final proposal due Monday, August 31, 2020
New Hampshire Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund
Wastewater & stormwater asset management programs can qualify for below-market loans w/ no original or closing fees and loan principal forgiveness up to $30K.
Pre-application: May & June, 2020; loan availability w/ authority to borrow announced September 2020; town meeting approvals March-May, 2021; loan application deadline June 30, 2021