New Hampshire Aquatic Resource Mitigation Fund

$3.8M to be awarded statewide for:

  • Preservation of high-quality wetlands and streams and their buffers

  • Acquisition of land, conservation easements, transaction fees, and costs for protection in perpetuity

  • Wetland and stream restoration

  • Design, construction costs, plantings, and monitoring

  • Tidal improvements

  • Living shoreline and coastal stability

  • Restoration of aquatic connections

  • Dam removals

  • Perched culverts that are barriers & flood roads

  • Instream habitat modifications

Pre-proposals due Friday, May 29, 2020; final proposal due Monday, August 31, 2020

New Hampshire Clean Water State Revolving Loan Fund

Wastewater & stormwater asset management programs can qualify for below-market loans w/ no original or closing fees and loan principal forgiveness up to $30K.

Pre-application: May & June, 2020; loan availability w/ authority to borrow announced September 2020; town meeting approvals March-May, 2021; loan application deadline June 30, 2021