Here’s how Resilience Works LLC can help you in three different situations……
1. When you are new to the subject of resilience, Resilience Works, LLC will:
provide an illustrated narrative briefing to community leaders on climate adaption generally and on local conditions specifically
lead a walking tour to spot concerns, opportunities, issues and potential remedies
facilitate a community meeting focused on climate adaption generally and on local conditions specifically
2. When you already know that your community is vulnerable to flooding, Resilience Works LLC will:
quantify your community's vulnerability by leading a self-assessment exercise similar to the Maine Flood Resilience Checklist (summarized).
synthesize the self-assessment data into an action plan designed to enhance your community's flood resilience short-term, mid-term and long term
analyze the extent to which property owners could reduce flood insurance costs by means of the municipality earning points through the National Flood Insurance Program's Community Rating System
establish a process to encourage municipal officials, departments and stakeholders to share information and coordinate actions across departments
establish measurable accountabilities to ensure implementation of the action plan
coordinate a public information process, using traditional and new media, to generate public support for the action plan
Participants in these activities include: elected officials, municipal administrator, planner, code enforcement staff, municipal risk manager, emergency-response staff, public safety officials, police and fire officials, economic development staff, public works and engineering officials, housing official, transportation and parking official, historic preservation commission, hospital administrator, public information officer, business representatives.
3. When you have an action plan -- and want to seek funding to reduce flood risk, Resilience Works LLC will:
identify potential sources of funding
adapt the action plan into grant-funding proposals
track the progress of funding proposals through the application, review and competitive-award process
report progress to the community on the status and success of grant proposals
leverage successful funding into additional funding
Bucks Harbor, Brooksville, Maine, March 6, 2019 Photo: Allen Kratz