List of funding opportunities for Maine communities: 22 state, federal grant and loan programs.
Maine Dep’t of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry will award Coastal Commuunity Grants up to $100,000 for FY2020 for projects that increase resiliency adaptation to erosion and flooding, conserve coastal habitat, promote sustainable development, improve water quality and enhance the coastal-dependent economy while preserving natural coastal resources.
Eligibility: coastal-zone municipalities, groups of coastal municipalities, coastal regional planning commissions, coastal councils of government. Note: To receive funds, a community must have a current comprehensive plan finding of consistency (consistency finding) issued by the Department of Agriculture Conservation & Forestry. Deadline: Wednesday, April 1, 2020, 2 p.m.
Since 2012, this grant program has provided more than $1.7 million for 89 projects throughout coastal Maine.
Details about FY 2019 Summary of prior grants
Case studies of prior Coastal Community Grants
Maine Dep’t of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry Land and Water Conservation Fund Maximum grant award = $300,000.
Provides matching grants to state, county, municipal and tribal governments for acquisition and development of public outdoor recreation areas and facilities.
Administered at the state level by Maine Bureau of Parks and Lands. LWCF grants can provide up to 50% of the allowable costs for approved acquisition or development projects for public outdoor recreation.
Let’s talk about how a dual-purpose project —a “blue sky” recreation area with underground stormwater detention infrastructure that buffers upland areas during extreme rain or coastal flooding events.
Wednesday, July 31, 2019 = deadline for potential applicants to request pre-application site visit.
Friday, November 22, 2019 = application deadline
Island Institute’s “Shore Up Maine” Technical Assistance Fund offers grants of $500 to $10,000 to help communities take steps to address coastal flooding exacerbated by sea level rise. Funding can be used for direct infrastructure work as well as education, planning.
Deadline: Rolling; responses provided within 30 days
Eligibile applicants: non-profit organizations and community associations, municipalities, municipal committees, businesses, schools, other organizations reviewed on a case-by-case basis
Eligible projects: floodmap corrections/updates; assessing the vulnerability of working waterfront infrastructure; incorporating sea level rise into comprehensive plans, permiting, disaster preparedness plans; preparing federal or other grant applications, etc.
Maine Dep’t of Economic and and Community Development administers Community Develpment Block Grants to….
“provide the conditions and incentives for further public and private investments….”
“improve deteriorated residential and business districts and local economic conditions….”
Resilience from coastal/inland flooding is fundamental for downtown revitalization.
Deadline for Letter of Intent for Downtown Revitalization grants Friday January 25, 2019 Even though the 2019 deadline has passed, this is a good time to prepare for the next grant round.
Maximum Downtown Revitalization award $300,000
Maine Dep’t of Environmental Protection administers loans from Clean Water State Revolving Fund for construction of publicly owned treatment works, implementing nonpoint source management programs, and implementing conservation and management plans in National Estuary watersheds. $7.2 million available to fund additional project requests in FY 2018.
In 2017 the average loan interest rate was 1.4%, compared to the prevailing market rate of 3.5%.
Currently funded: $2.5 million combined sewage outflow upgrade (Bangor); $570,000 climate adaptation plan (Gardiner)
New England Environental Finance Center
Funding Programs in Maine for Climate Adaptation.
Casco Bay Estuary Partnership
This deadline has passed, but let’s plan to apply during the next grant round.
Grants of up to $12,500 are available from the 2019 Casco Bay Community Grants Program.
Eligiblity: new partnerships and innovative projects that engage communities with Casco Bay and its watershed. Proposals welcome from educators, land trusts and other non-profit organizations, civic groups, municipal committees, churches, clubs, school groups and neighborhood associations.
Proposal deadline: Tuesday, January 22, 2019. Even though the 2019 deadline has passed, this is a good time to prepare for the next grant round.